Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Black Men’s Grooming Products to Elevate Your Skin, Hair, and Beard Game
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Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Black Men’s Grooming Products to Elevate Your Skin, Hair, and Beard Game

In this article, we explore some of the best brands that feature products that cater to the skin and hair care issues of black men. These products use special ingredients that address such issues as razor bumps, ingrown hairs, coarse hair styling, and skin hydration.

Beard Softening: Why is Some Hair Coarse?
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Beard Softening: Why is Some Hair Coarse?

Have you ever wondered why your beard hair tends to be more coarse than the head on your head or your body? If left to it’s own devices, your beard can take on a very rough texture. When I go a few days or weeks without attending to my beard, I hit a wall of complete irritation and discomfort. If you add in season factors like cold or dry weather and beard itch can drive you crazy. In this article, we take a look at the science behind coarse hair, why we may have evolved this way, and explore products and grooming strategies to combat these challenges.